Medium-term Management Plan

The Group has formulated the Third Medium-Term Management Plan for the three years from the fiscal year ending March 2022 to the fiscal year ending March 2024. We aim to realize a "rich society in which people and plastics are in harmony" with the theme of becoming a XNUMX-year-old company.

Tenma Group Long-term Vision

We aim to realize a "rich society in which people and plastics are in harmony" with the theme of becoming a XNUMX-year-old company.

天馬グループ 長期ビジョン 図

Third Medium-Term Management Plan Basic Policy

Third Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2022 / 3-FY2024 / 3)
[Basic position] "Transformation period" to achieve "aim"

Basic Policy

Promotion of sustainable management
  • "Sustainability Promotion Office" (Newly established in May 2021)
    E (environment), S (society), G (government)Promote sustainable management with an emphasis on
  • Of the 17 goals set by the SDGs as a guideline for activities to realize the vision,
    Select 6 items that are closely related to our business and carry out company-wide activities
SDGs 6つの項目

Basic Policy

Building a growth base
  • Fundamentally reviewing the way of funding so far, including priority investment in R & D and DX,
    Focus on building a foundation for the Tenma Group to grow over the long term

Third Medium-Term Management Plan Company-wide Strategy

第3次中期経営計画 全社戦略 第3次中期経営計画 全社戦略

Strategy 1

Initiatives for human resources

Strengthen the promotion of the active participation of "human resources," which is the source of competitiveness


Efforts to promote diverse human resources

  • Respect for diversity: Creating a workplace where all employees can demonstrate their abilities regardless of gender, age, or nationality
  • Personnel / compensation system reform: Toward treatment / evaluation according to the weight of function and responsibility
  • Work style reform: It is possible to select a work style according to the life stage (introduction of telework flex system, etc.)

Efforts to improve employee satisfaction

  • Improving and improving the working and working environment of employees
  • Establishment of a system to promote non-regular employees to regular employees
  • Improving the corporate brand value of the "Tenma Group" (improving employee attribution and status)

Strategy 2

Initiatives for environmental issues

Promoting the 3Rs of plastics as a leading company in resin molding

  • Aiming to commercialize recycled plastics in order to make more effective use of plastics
  • Researching the use of bioplastics in our products
3R diagram

Strategy 3

Strengthening governance

  • Established a voluntary nomination and compensation committee in November 2020
    → Secure a more objective nomination / reward decision process
  • The ratio of independent outside directors should be at least one-third to further improve.
    → Objective and lively discussions on the board of directors
    → Realization of a highly transparent and effective board of directors
  • Established an internal control room and promoted the following
    → Strengthen control of overseas subsidiaries, review rules and ensure uniformity
  • Improving the efficiency of audit work through IT investment

Strategy 4

Promotion of DX and automation

Shift from operational efficiency to new business opportunities by promoting DX


Actively promote digital shift in production and operations

  • Promote the digitization of company-wide infrastructure, improve operational efficiency, and establish a management base that can plan, execute, and evaluate business strategies using accumulated data.
  • Strengthening cost competitiveness by automating product assembly and on-site logistics

Strengthening the EC strategy of our products and expanding globally

  • Actively utilize online to strengthen marketing of new products and develop products that accurately capture market needs
  • Global expansion and product development of in-house products utilizing IT in anticipation of the growth of the EC market

Creation of new business

  • We will break away from the legacy corporate culture and take on the challenge of new business opportunities that are not bound by the traditional framework of the equipment industry.
  • Aim to build a new business model by utilizing IT and leveraging domestic distribution network and brand awareness

Strategy 5

Promotion of technology development

Established "R & D Office" in Production Headquarters to concentrate on technology development (May 2021)

Main efforts of the "Research and Development Office"
  • Established special molding technology and material development technology as our own elemental technologies
  • In collaboration with the Development Department, Sales Department, Engineering Department, and Corporate Planning Department, we have established the technology to realize the functions required for the future market.
  • Promote research activities related to materials and molds that are upstream technologies, and increase added value
  • Promote the strengthening of decorative molding technology and robot utilization technology to increase the added value of existing businesses

Strategy 6

Business domain expansion

Expand business domain by promoting marketing strategy (strategy ④) and technology development (strategy ⑤)
The "Sales Planning Department" (newly established in May 2021) will take the lead in considering commercialization.

  • Development of environment-friendly products (bioplastics, etc.)
  • Entering a new field in the houseware field
  • ASEAN expansion of house wear business
  • Development of mold business by acquiring mold manufacturing technology
  • Challenge to new products such as logistics materials, medical drones, toys, etc.

Third Medium-Term Management Plan Numerical Targets and Management Indicators

Numerical goal 2nd Medium-Term Management Plan Results 3nd Medium-Term Management Plan Results
2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Sales (millions of yen) 84,765 85,762 73,639 81,000 84,500 87,000
Operating income (million yen) 2,349 3,065 2,892 3,400 3,800 4,200
Operating profit after deducting strategic expenses (million yen) - - - 3,900 4,600 5,400
Operating income(%) 2.8 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8
Same [excluding strategic costs] (%) - - - 4.8 5.4 6.2
  • 売上高
  • 売上高

Medium-term management plan materials