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- Sustainability

- President and Representative Director
- Hirohiko Hirono
Building a prosperous society in which people and plastics exist in harmony
In 2049, Tenma Group will celebrate its 100th year anniversary in business. To become a 100-year-old company, I believe that we need to start on a new path. Our long-term vision of “Aim to build a prosperous society in which people and plastics exist in harmony,” is part of these efforts. Tenma Group has two pillars of business; one being the manufacturing and marketing of houseware products developed in-house, the other being the manufacturing of industrial products under contract.
Each business has different characteristics, and the ability to leverage those differences to produce better products is a key strength of the company. On the other hand, there are also characteristics that the two businesses have in common that are shared by the Group. Our commitment to quality is one such characteristic. The common value of the Group is to continuously provide high quality products, and this serves as the foundation of trust that the Group has cultivated. In recent years, the term "quality" has been associated with the concepts of environmental quality and social quality.
Currently, plastics-related industries are undergoing major changes. The environmental issues of climate change and marine pollution can no longer be avoided. A wide range of issues must be addressed, such as whether to continue using petrochemical-derived materials, whether to switch to biomass, and how to establish manufacturing processes to achieve carbon neutrality.
At the same time, however, plastics have become an indispensable part of people's lives. The proper use of plastics to help resolve various social and environmental issues, such as providing appropriate information and developing new technologies and products, is an important mission of the Group which has been in the plastics industry for many years.
Since its founding, the Group has grown together with its employees, customers, and other stakeholders, under the corporate motto of “Faith, Hope, Love.”
As various social issues become increasingly more serious around the world, and the international community is increasingly becoming more interested in sustainability as suggested by the response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, we have established a new purpose that emphasizes the connection between business and society.
We believe that the response to social changes and the contributions to the resolution of environmental issues all begin with each employee working each day with our purpose as a starting point.
The Materialities set by Tenma Group are priority requirements of the Group, which have been formulated on the basis of our long-term vision (Building a prosperous society in which people and plastics exist in harmony) while incorporating SDGs and other global requirements. By promoting initiatives in pursuit for these Materialities throughout the Group, led by the Sustainability Promotion Committee, and practicing corporate value enhancement by promoting sustainable management as the basic policy of the fourth medium-term management plan, we move forward toward “Building a prosperous society in which people and plastics exist in harmony.”
Sustainability basic policy

Tenma Group’s purpose is delivering essential life values for people. Based on this philosophy, we promote sustainable management that considers environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
We value harmony with the global environment and society, work to resolve social issues through the Group business, and contribute to the sustainable enhancement of corporate value and the realization of a sustainable society.
- 1
- In all of our business activities, we promote initiatives that help prevent global warming, preserve biodiversity, and create a recycling-oriented society.
- 2
- We respect the fundamental human rights that should be embraced by all.
- 3
- We consider the safety, security, and health of our employees to be the foundation of our corporate growth, and we strive to improve the working environment, value diversity, and actively work to foster human resources.
- 4
- We will develop and promote a risk management system to prevent the occurrence of any business-associated risks and minimize the impact of such risks when they do occur.
- 5
- We are committed to providing quality and sustainable products and services, as well as appropriate information, to help achieve prosperous lifestyles for all people.
- 6
- In our supply activities, we will deepen partnerships with our suppliers and strive for co-existence and co-prosperity through fair and equitable transactions.
- 7
- We will engage in responsible dialog with all stakeholders, build strong relationships of trust, and disclose information promptly and appropriately.
- 8
- We aim to be a truly global company and ensure fair and transparent management.
- 9
- We will contribute to the sustainable development of society by making full use of the management resources we have cultivated over the years to enhance our corporate value and strive to solve social issues.
June 9, 2022
Related Policies
Related information
Promotion System
In May 2022, we established the Sustainability Promotion Committee to promote sustainability activities throughout the group strategically. The committee engages in sustainability-related activities centered on promoting materiality initiatives, employee awareness-raising, and disseminating information regarding stakeholders.
In promoting initiatives related to materialities, we have established a working group with members from each department and group company as necessary and have built a system wherein the entire group works together to address the issues.
Tenma Group Materialities
The Tenma Group has identified key issues that should be prioritized as materialities of Tenma from the perspective of both stakeholders and the group.
The 8 materialities and 21 components are closely related to the medium-term management plan. Addressing these points will help us achieve the group’s vision and resolve social issues.
We will continue to formulate, implement, evaluate, and disclose KPIs in accordance with our policies for addressing materialities and their components.
Category | Theme | Materiality | Element | Initiative policies |
Global Environmental Conservation |
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation |
GHG emissions reduction | The company aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by making direct and indirect efforts to reduce GHG emissions. |
Environmental Conservation Activities | We will promote environmental conservation efforts by addressing sustainable water resources, biodiversity, and other issues. | |||
Circular Actualizing the Economy |
Promotion of the 3Rs | In addition to developing environment-friendly products, we consider the products and raw materials discarded during previous economic activities to be “resources” and promote initiatives to utilize them once more by recycling and reusing them. | ||
Use of environmentally friendly resin (Renewable) | We will promote the use of environment-friendly resins to reduce the need for petrochemical-derived plastics, which are a dwindling resource. |
Category | Theme | Materiality | Element | Initiative policies |
Sustainable Production & Consumption |
Product Safety & Security |
Further Improvement of Quality | We will work to strengthen our quality assurance system in accordance with our quality policy. |
Plastic Environmental Awareness Promotion |
We will promote efforts to properly recognize the “usefulness” and “environmental impact” of plastics and to promote efforts to inform the public about “sustainability in plastics.” | |||
Reducing Environmental Impact by Enhancing Plastic Processing Technology | We will continue to enhance our plastic processing technologies to provide the safest and most reliable products and reduce our environmental impact by reducing the use of petrochemical-derived plastics. | |||
Sustainable Supply |
Supply Chain Management |
We will work collaboratively throughout our supply chain to address environmental and human rights issues and further strengthen our sustainable supply system. | ||
Addressing Supply Risks | We will promote initiatives to reduce risks associated with supply, such as geopolitical and price volatility risks. | |||
Human Rights and Diversity Respect |
Diverse Human Resource Activities |
Respect for Human Rights | Based on our human rights policy, we will promote efforts to respect the human rights of all people associated with the group, in addition to promoting the establishment of human rights due diligence and remedial and corrective systems. | |
A Company Worth Working For | We will promote initiatives to create an environment wherein employees are motivated and proud of their work. | |||
Local Communities Coexisting |
We recognize the issues faced by local communities and strive for co-existence and co-prosperity with them by helping them solve these issues. | |||
Fair and Impartial Personnel Evaluations | We will introduce a personnel evaluation system that is fair and impartial as part of our efforts to create a fulfilling workplace. | |||
Human Resource Development | Human resource development is essential for corporate growth, and we will promote initiatives to enhance our training and development programs to foster employee development. | |||
Safe & Secure Workplace |
A Comfortable Workplace Environment |
We will promote initiatives that consider maintaining a safe and secure work environment as well as our employees’ mental and physical health. |
Category | Theme | Materiality | Element | Initiative policies |
Healthy Corporate Activities |
Sturdy Corporate Infrastructure |
Strengthening Governance | We will strengthen our corporate foundations and promote initiatives to practice fair and transparent management to ensure the sustainability of the company’s growth and increase its corporate value. |
Strengthening Management Systems | We will promote efforts to reinforce the unified management system within our group and to optimize its management. | |||
Ongoing BCP Review |
To respond to a drastic increase in natural disasters in recent years and several other risks, we will appropriately assess those risks and promote efforts to create and update BCPs. |
Category | Theme | Materiality | Element | Initiative policies |
Value creation
Sustainable Growth |
New Value creation |
Creation of Business Areas through the Provision of Solutions to Social Issues | We will promote efforts to expand new business areas by recognizing social issues and uncovering specific needs. |
DX Promotion | We will promote sustainable management that enhances corporate competitiveness and sustainable growth by providing new customer experiences in addition to the advancement and optimization of operations by using digital technology. | |||
Production System Reforms | To meet diversifying consumer needs, the company will make further efforts to reform its production system to accommodate high-mix, low-volume production and to improve production efficiency through automation. |
Materiality Identification Process
Identifying and organizing issues
Issues relevant to the Minebea Group and its stakeholders are identified and organized with reference to GRI and SASB Standards, RBA, SDGs, trends at other companies, among others.
Extracting issues from an ideal state
We will discuss and identify issues based on future projections of the ideal state of our group with the heads of each department, the heads of each group company, and employees in their 20s and 30s.

Importance/priority assessment
The management committee members examine the issues identified in Step 1 and Step 2 to evaluate their importance and priority from different perspectives.
Materiality Identification
Exchange opinions with external experts on issues identified in Step 3 and take decisions after incorporating the objective perspectives of the board of directors .
Address and review identified materialities
The materialities identified will be reviewed regularly to better respond to social needs and changes in the business environment. This is also to promote group-wide efforts by establishing necessary working groups with members from each department and group company.